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Sept. 29 2010
The International Milking Shorthorn Show was held today, Wednesday, September 29. The show began with the milking classes, the champions, and then followed by the heifer classes. Two well-known cows of...
Sept. 29 2010
There are the cows, the trade show, and dairy enthusiasts…but, don't forget that about the food. After spending the morning walking around, we have come up with the best food finds on the Expo grounds....
Sept. 29 2010
After sorting through the plethora of product handouts, notepads, and writing utensils from the trade show, the cream of the crop freebies make themselves known. At the Cottonseed booth (EH 4107) you can...
Sept. 29 2010
Judge Norm Nabholz placed 233 head of Ayrshires in Tuesday's show and was assisted by associate judge Randy Franck. Winners hailed from across the US and Canada. Sweet Pepper Black Francesca owned by Beverly...
Sept. 29 2010
The International Junior Holstein Show was held on Tuesday, September 28 with Adam Liddle of Argyle, NY, serving as judge of the 212 entries. For many of the young Holstein exhibitors, this show is the...
Sept. 28 2010
In the times of royals, the sound of a blaring trumpet often announced the arrival of royalty. Today at the opening day of World Dairy Expo, shiny trumpets and brass sounded celebrations of years of dedication...
Sept. 28 2010
4-H, Post Secondary, and College Dairy Judging Contest Winners Full listing of awards at and click on the blog icon. Return to Hoard's at Expo
Sept. 27 2010
Signaling the start of World Dairy Expo week for those of us at Hoard's Dairyman is always the annual visit from the National 4-H Dairy Conference. Today, around 200 attendees from across the country (and...
Sept. 24 2010
Cattle will start rolling into World Dairy Expo today. And, as they arrive on the grounds, all trailers must go through the Rimrock Road gate and stop by the Arena Building to not only receive stalling...
Sept. 22 2010
The results are in, and all gasses are accounted for. Yes, today, the industry-supported group, Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, has officially announced the completion of an unprecedented life cycle...
Sept. 20 2010
Despite the higher-than-normal temperatures experienced in many areas, U.S. milk production in August shot up 2.7 percent over a year ago. During August, there was a 2.9 percent rise in milk per cow over...
Sept. 15 2010
In my elementary school years, one of my favorite days each year was our small parochial school's track meet held every spring. Besides the fun I had spending the day outside with classmates, I always...
Sept. 10 2010
Slowly, but surely, modest profitability is returning for U.S. dairy producers. Even so, few are relaxing just yet. Both of the major financial barometers they watch – Class III milk and 40-pound...
Sept. 7 2010
For some, that day cannot come quickly enough. For others, there is simply not enough time. World Dairy Expo is the event that so many producers, cattle owners, allied industry representatives, and young...
Sept. 1 2010
All too often we hear of tragic accidents in our industry that not only claim the life of a loved one, but the head of a dairy farm business. On August 26, Brian Krull of Lake Mills, Wis., was killed in...
Aug. 23 2010
Two new genomic tests just hit the market. Not only can Holstein breeders test females on the traditional 50K test, but they can also use the just released 3K SNP (single-nucleotide polymorphism) and
Aug. 19 2010
2009 was an awful year for producer milk prices, but another good one for milk quality. According to the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, average bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC) for...
Aug. 13 2010
Corn production is forecast at a record high 13.4 billion bushels, up 2 percent from the previous record set in 2009, according to USDA's Crop Production report issued yesterday. Based on conditions as...
Aug. 12 2010
August 17 is the release date for the DVD of the award-winning HBO movie about one of the livestock industry's most colorful and influential persons. The movie, Temple Grandin, is based on the writings...
July 30 2010
Away at college, working on a master's degree, many of my daughter's calls and e-mails now include personal insights into the financial "joy" of being a grown-up. "One day you'll appreciate the starving...